- A computer-based training platform for Six Sigma and Process Improvement methods. Includes 11 programs, 20 courses, simulators, calculators, statistical handbook and online support and testing.
Contribution: Instructor for all programs and courses and was responsible for the software archtitecture and curriculum design. Six Sigma Management Institute, Inc. 2005.
MiniTab Six Sigma Modules
- Specialized statistical analysis software. Add-on modules for computing the six sigma process characterization metrics and various DFSS calculations. Contribution: Responsible for screen design and the development of all key six sigma related equations and statistical algorithms. Minitab, Inc. 1996.
- Knowledge development and information management software. Comprehensive software for delivering course content and facilitating information management of six sigma material.
Contribution: Responsible for the software architecture and screen design. Six Sigma Academy, Inc. 1997.
- Statistical risk analysis and management software. Analytical software for estimating and optimizing the risk in complex systems.
Contribution: Made significant contribution to program architecture and screen design. TolStack, Inc. 2000.
3-Cs Explorer
- Statistical risk analysis and management software. Analytical software for estimating and optimizing the risk in complex systems.
Contribution: Made significant contribution to program architecture and screen design. TolStack, Inc. 2000.